The Shipyard Model  (learn more)

Currently Available

Facing the Son                      Forty Days Wild              Seeing Red                          20 Questions God
Learning to be                          Training Camp for            Exploring the                       Wants To Ask You
Like Jesus                                  the Spiritual Life                Words of Christ                    Encounters with
                                                                                                                                                      the Divine

Christwise:                           Out of the Shipyard       Discovering                      Live Like You
Discipleship Guides           Charting a Course              God's Will                          Mean It
For Juniors, Teens,                 for the Journey of Life       Does God play hide-         Wisdom for the
and Youth                                                                                and-seek with                     Journey Home
His will?  


Remembering the Story
of God's Faithfulness

Before our eyes the Lord
sent miraculous signs and