The Shipyard Model  (learn more)

Remembering the Story of God's Faithfulness

Before our eyes the Lord sent miraculous signs and wonders...

This box is handmade by members of our church, in the shape and size of our church Bible. In the same way that the Bible is filled with stories, art, insight and advice, you too will encounter many truths God will speak into your experience over the years.

Systematically or when the time seems right, you and your children can stop and look into this “book” at how God has helped you from one season to the next. Perhaps at Christmas or a birthday, faithfully mark the big moments of their spiritual journey with simple reminders that tell stories of faith. This book/box is a place for you to write stories, collect symbols, make artifacts, and keep anything that invokes the story of God’s faithfulness to your family.

(Ages: The whole family.)

Click here to download a free brochure pdf.
Send us a message if you are interested in ordering a box.